licensing info
Which licensing models do you offer?
Can I embed the fonts?
Do I need an embedding license to send a PDF to the printer?
No. You’re not allowed to embed the fonts into PDF’s with the default Desktop license agreement. However, there is one exception: you may take a PDF with the embedded Font Software to a commercial printer for approval and production activities, provided that the secured PDF is in a read-only mode and that the extraction of the Font Software is prohibited. That document is only distributed to the printer or service bureau for use by the printer or service bureau.
Can I use your fonts in email campaigns?
Do you offer educational discounts?
Are your licenses based on an annual fee?
Can I install Adobe Fonts on my own server?
Do you offer fonts for mobile apps?
Do you offer fonts for eBooks?
Can I use your fonts in a logo or a product which I sell?
Can I share my license?
Can I buy a font for my client?
Do you cooperate with Font Radar?
I’ve got euhm, a, euhm, complicated licensing question